
Showing posts from July, 2015


Get ready to relate C'mon people, who doesn't love a good night sleep, short afternoon nap, a doze adventure ( you are just sitting there in class and your head starts wiggling like jason derulo in slomo with your eyes half closed ofcourse). here are the type of sleepers 1. Snore-ZILLA - i know i know snoring is totally normal and its hard to control it at times, but here is the thing there are people who snore and those ones who SNORE. Am talking about people you don't want to be in the same geographical zone with. Yes, its that serious. 2. THE GYMNIST - these are the people who don't realize that there is an invisible line that divides the bed that is created by the two pillows. They be treating the bed like a gymnastic arena looking like they were doing a double leg head flip and fell asleep in mid air. True story, i once slept next to a person whose leg i found on my face the next morning. 3. THE STONECOLD - These are the people who sleep anywher


I was watching one of my favorite t.v shows and something caught my attention. The host was talking about how few people get what they want in life while the majority are just stuck there. The difference is how they approach this "pursuit" of getting what they want. He talked about steps one should follow that can increase the chances of getting what you what. 1. Establish what you want clearly and get to know more about it. Ask yourself if its worth your time and hard work. 2. Have the mindset that in your pursuit you can either win or lose. That's the sad part about life, you get some you lose some. In this step its all about the attitude.       3. Know that in order to get something you have to give out something. Give out your time, your space, your sweat, your focus, all that, and you are well on your way to getting what you want. much love.


                           Growing up, i came to know some myths which i totally find absurd in this day and age but back then i was a full on believer. Some of them had bizzare consequences while others gave hope. So below are some of the many myths out there in his big big world. 1. When a bee buzzes around your house, you are bound to have some visitors soon :) 2. When your mother stays too long in the market, take a cooking pot call out her name from inside the cooking pot and she will be a your  doorstep the next minute. REALLY!!!! 3. Seeing a black cat is bad juju. i know a lot of people who keep black cats so that myth is a big no no 4. Breaking a mirror gives you SEVEN years of bad luck. i should be having two generations of bad luck given the fact that am 20 and i have broken  hundreds of mirrors. 5. If somebody jumps over your legs and doesn't jump back, you will only have boys as children. Yeap, you wont have a little girl to call you